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Online classes is surely the buzzword of contemporary times, so it won’t be wrong to just delve a little bit into its nitty-gritty .


Online classes are FEASIBLE

The first obvious benefit of online classes is a very simple one. Perhaps some of you are burdened by a long commute to work after a long day. The thought of visiting somewhere before returning home is unthinkable. Now, you have the option to learn FROM THE COMFORTS OF YOUR HOME. The idea of extending classroom study material in the form of online resources, the lessons are just a click away. All you need is a stable internet connection and a computer or smartphone.

Online classes are Flexible

with online courses, you have great flexibility in choosing the best time to study. With online classes being recorded and archives you can access it at any time. And learn at your own wish. You may not be able to find a face-to-face trainer who will teach you Spanish online at 3 in the morning, but your options are vast online. Online courses helps you to achieve your professional and educational goals in a way that suits your study patterns.

Online Classrooms are More Affordable

The most strategic advantage of online classes is its affordability, unlike the expensive physical teaching classes.

In addition to basic savings, online education eradicates the cost of books and resources when instead you read them online, you also save money on lunch and travel expenses.

Online Classrooms Encourages participation

According to some, traditional learning in the physical world is the most natural and effective way of communicating. But that is not true at all. In an online classroom, no student sits in the back row. Everyone is sitting in the front and centre! Those who are too shy to ask a question in front of their whole class now have the option to start a live, private conversation with their teacher. A student who is not comfortable with the whole class may choose to turn off his microphone or turn off his camera while continuing to participate in the study.

Additionally, as per a survey, introverts have found online classes more comfortable owing to their reticent character.

Online Classrooms contains umpteen of opportunities

With online education, students have the option to learn from instructors at any time of the world, at any time of the day. The world of opportunities can now be accessed on your laptop or smartphone. you can enroll in any courses from across the globe, without requiring the need to be physically present and enjoy learning in your comforts.

Cons of online education

1. Inability to Focus on Screens

Our minds and bodies is set to physical mode of learning, therefore one of the biggest hurdles is the struggle to focus on the screen for a long time. studying online, there is a greater chance that students will be easily distracted and diverted to social media or other sites.

2. Technical problems

Not everyone has a good Internet connection

Despite of the ever increasing growth in global internet access over the past few years. The small towns and villages are not the major beneficiary of this change, they still face inconsistent communication and speed problem. Without a stable internet connection for students or teachers, there may be a lack of continuous learning for the child, thereby harming the educational process altogether.

3. The feeling of isolation

Students can learn a lot by being around their peers. However, online classes have completely snapped the physical contact physical contact between students and teachers. This often results in a sense of alienation. Extreme cases are recorded where the students have fallen into cycle of distress and reports of depression among students is not uncommon to read.

In this situation, it is important for the school to allow other forms of communication between students, peers and teachers. This may include online messages, emails and video conferencing that will allow you to communicate face-to-face and reduce the feeling of isolation.

4. Teacher Training

Online learning requires teachers to have a basic understanding of how to use digital learning methods. However, this is not always the case. Often, teachers have a very basic understanding of technology. Sometimes, they do not even have the necessary resources and tools to conduct online classes.

To combat this, it is important for schools to invest in training teachers with the latest technology updates so that they can run their online classes more easily.


The compromise on health is assuredly the most challenging for young children. Health risks related to online mode of education are abundant.

From eye strain, to back pain and headaches complaints are pouring in at eye specialist centre all across the country.

It is predicted that by 2050, almost 50% of the population will suffer from myopia owing to the sedentary lifestyle induced by pandemic and lack of exposure to sun.

In conclusion, we cannot completely paint it in a negative Brush or a very positive one. All in all it is 50-50 scenario, where the advantages are very benefitting but at the expense of social interactions, physical connections and health.

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