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Next skill to put on resume : English Proficiency

A language proficiency scale Is a framework created to assess one's language skills based on fluency. It enhances problem-solving skills, and improves verbal and spatial abilities. English is a compulsory ingredient of a successful personality. English proficiency is a key factor for employment success and advancement and opening doors to economic opportunity.

English has become the international language and the language of global communication due to various reasons, which are political, economic and technical. The English language plays an important role in our lives as it helps in communication. English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills and improves the quality of providing job opportunities. There is a great utility of the language In our modern world.

English plays an important role in our everyday life. In business, English is widely used to communicate across national borders and maintain correspondence with overseas business parties or professionals. English is important for higher education and specialized training. Most books on any subject are written in English or quickly translated into English. English is the medium of instruction in education for universities and institutions. English is essential for getting jobs and better salaries. Multinational business organizations and many international corporations ask for people with good working English knowledge.

Let’s know what fluency and proficiency are.


Fluency is the flow of your speech. It is the ability to speak at a consistent rhythm on a variety of topics in real-time. It’s speaking comfortably, which means with minimal pauses and minimal hesitation. You can attain fluency by listening to and speaking to native speakers. This improves understanding and communication skills.


Proficiency is the ability to use language accurately with a high level of comprehension and command. It’s best-acquired reading and writing. Academic and businesses demand a precise use of language .there are four sectors under language proficiency: reading, writing, speaking, and listening. These are the four pillars of effective communication. They are not only helpful in professional settings but also In personally. These communications are essential to us in all life stages to help us be better individuals.


Reading proficiency is an essential skill required for academic success. It also helps students locate information, make simple inferences, and identify details. There are several key aspects to developing reading skills, such as working together to develop overall literacy skills, including comprehension, fluency, vocabulary, and strategies that help readers to interpret and find meaning in texts.


Writing proficiency is a result of individual solid writing skills. To be an excellent writer, one must have excellent communication skills. This includes being familiar with grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Furthermore, a writer must have the ability to research well.


Speaking well is essential for success in college, career, and civic life. An individual must be able to communicate their ideas clearly and connect with their audience. When speaking, it is also important to focus on body language.


Listening proficiency refers to your ability to understand what is being said in a particular language. To improve your listening proficiency, maintain eye contact with the speaker and visualize what they are saying. You should also avoid interrupting the speaker and instead respond appropriately to what they are saying.

Why language skills are important:

Language is central to your learning. Without it, one cannot make sense of the things they wish to communicate. You should develop your language skills since it:

  • Allows the most effective use of your study materials because of heightened understanding.

  • Helps to develop specialized language and vocabulary on your subject of study.

  • Helps write well-structured and coherently projects.

  • Helps in communicating your needs.

  • maximizes work productively.

Through language, one not only understands the world but also receives well from the world (i.e. communicates well mutually).

English proficiency test

An English language proficiency test can help provide you with a means of determining your hold on the language. Taking the test can help you gain confidence and determine your skills in your CV. It improves your prospects. It helps to acquire the right kind of language skills. Through proficiency tests, an individual is more likely to get scholarships. By taking the test, you can study or work overseas.

English lesson plans

A lesson plan should include scope, sequence, objectives, materials, and activities. An individual should first work on the basics, like understanding grammar. One must be familiar with the vocabulary. There should be a backup plan for any lesson.

Best books for English learners :

Here are some great novels to improve your English :

  1. The wind in the willows-Kenneth Grahame

  2. The lord of flies – William Goldings

  3. The old man and the sea – Ernest Hemingway

  4. Animal Farm – George Orwell

  5. Tuesday’s with Morrie – Mitch Albom

  6. High fidelity – Nick Hornby

  7. The curious incident of the dog in the night – Mark Haddon

  8. Alice in Wonderland – Lewis carrol

  9. Fantastic Mr fox – Roald Dahl

  10. Empty World-John Christopher

English is and always has been a very diverse language. The language has become the most popular second language around the world. People are getting used to using English as a tool for many different activities in their daily lives.


Importance of language skills:

Benefits of an English proficiency test: Benefits of reading skills:

importance of English language:

A lesson plan:

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