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How to do your best on exams: Tips for students

To check our eligibility or capability to perform something, we take an examination of that thing. This is the sole purpose of any exam. To excel at the next level of our field, the examination is a very important part. A human being starts to take its exam from birth only when a baby tries to stand straight after crawling, a baby trying to walk or run, etc. At the age of 5 to 6, our formal education starts, and the formal pattern of examination with marks or percentage begins. Examination often brings stress because of the pressure of getting into the next class or excelling among our classmates. To perform better, positive stress i.e. eustress is always good, but if it brings unbearable stress, then it’s not good for the physical or mental health of the student. Thus, it’s necessary to transform bad stress into good stress.

3 students are happily studying in the library. Piles of the books are there in the ranks behind and in front of them too.

Here are a few tips to give our best in the examination:

1. Study regularly.-

It’s always good to study regularly than studying on the days of exams. The regular study helps us to grasp content at our own pace and due to enough amount of time, constant research about newly- learned concepts can be done. Regular study and research help to get a deeper understanding of any topic.

2. Get a good night’s sleep before the exam.-

It is essential to get at least 8 hours of sleep before the exam. It helps to improve our memory and allows us to retain information better. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, which can interfere with our performance on an exam. It can improve our mood and make us feel more positive and confident, which can also help us do better on our exams.

3. Eat a healthy breakfast on the day of the exam.-

Breakfast holds much importance in our daily life. A healthy breakfast provides glucose, and nutrients to students which helps them to retain their energy throughout the day. It helps in increasing their power of concentration, cognitive thinking, etc.

4. Make sure you have all the materials ready before you go to the exam.-

It’s always better to be prepared beforehand. Read the requirements for exams carefully, prepare a checklist and check everything at least two days before the exams.

Eg. Hall Ticket, Identity Card, writing pad, pen, pencil, etc.

5. During the exam,

a. First, read the instructions on the question paper and skim once through all the questions in the given time limit. Read the question carefully and answer it.

Eg. While answering the questions of comprehension, read the comprehension twice i.e. once to get the central idea and twice to get a core understanding of it and to know the answers to the questions.

b. If you don’t know an answer to the question, skip it and come back to it later.

c. Don’t stress out if you don’t know an answer. Just do your best.

d. Follow the time limit and keep the last 10 to 15 minutes to check the answer paper at least once after getting done.

6. After the exam, relax and don’t dwell on it. -

Dwelling on an exam after getting done with it can bring anxiety and might affect the performance of the next paper. So, it’s necessary just to learn from your own mistakes instead of dwelling on the exam which is already happened.

In the end, keep worries aside, take positive stress and do your best in the exams!

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